Climate Energy Summit Seoul 2024

KeynoteKelly Alvarez Doran
CEO of Ha/f Climate Design Adjunct Professor, University of Toronto Architecture 2030 Senior Fellow
Kelly is a father, architect, educator, and activist. His holistic approach to the design of the built environment has been shaped by his experiences working across the world. In 2022, Kelly established the Ha/f Climate Design to partner with architects, cities, governments, and non-government organizations to develop policies and guidelines for whole life carbon reductions – notably the recently enacted embodied carbon policies at the City of Toronto. Kelly is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Toronto, is a Senior Fellow of Architecture 2030, and a member of the Royal Architectural Institutes of Canada’s Committee of Regenerative Environments.

Session 1Duk-Joon Park
Head of Zero Energy Building Center, Korea Conformity Laboratories
Park Duk-Joon, director of the Zero Energy Building center, has been developing energy efficiency and greenhouse gas policies and technologies in the building sector at public energy agencies, governments, and research institutes for more than 20 years. He was in charge of establishing the 2030 National Greenhouse Gas Reduction Roadmap for the Building sector announced in 2016 and 2018, and participated in expert technical working group for the 2030 NDC Implementation Roadmap announced in 2023.

Session 1Zsolt Lorand Toth
Team Lead, Building Performance Institute Europe (BPIE)
Zsolt Toth is Team Leader at BPIE where he is responsible for steering BPIE’s work across a number of policy and research projects including building stock decarbonization and sustainability of the built environment, in general. He has over 15 years of experience driving public affairs activity and delivering EU policy in the built environment. Zsolt holds a PhD in Political Theory and has contributed to a series of academic and industry publications on energy efficiency, low carbon construction and green finance.

Session 1Jong Hun Kim
Principal Researcher, Korea Institute of Energy Research
Principal Researcher Jonghun Kim, who received his Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo and is currently working in the Energy ICT Research Department at the Korea Institute of Energy Research, is a researcher specializing in building energy research. He is also a professor in the Department of Advanced Energy and System Engineering at the University of Science & Technology (UST). As the leader of the Building Energy Group within the Energy ICT Research Department, he is dedicated to developing component technologies for the realization of carbon-neutral autonomous buildings. The group has developed a platform for in-situ diagnosis of building energy performance, and is currently working on the development of a digital twin-based autonomous building energy and environmental management platform.

Session 2Donyun Kim
Professor, SungKyunKwan University / Head of Smart Green City Lab
Dr. Donyun Kim is a Professor of Urban Design and Vice President at SungKyunKwan University (SKKU). And he is the President of Institute of Smart City and Architecture and a member of National Academy of Engineering of Korea. He has served as the chairman of the National Smart City Committee of the Republic of Korea until November 2022. And he served a Commissioner of the Presidential Commission on Architecture Policy to and Committee on Green Growth to the President of Korea. Currently he is the President of Institute of Smart City and Architecture. Professor Kim has been a Chief Planner of Seoul Digital Media City (DMC) since 1997. He has been involved in a national research project of Establishing a Strategy for a Low-Carbon City. As the chief researcher of the project, he improved legal system and developed Green City Index. He was also in charge of 2002 Seoul World Cup Stadium Complex, the 2012 Yeosu EXPO and New Science City master plan in Korea. He is working on Master plan of Yongsan Urban Regeneration Project for Seoul Metropolitan Government. Dr. Kim has designed and consulted Irkutsk Baikal Smart City in Russia, Danang Comprehensive Plan in Vietnam, and New York Penn Station District in the USA. He is currently leading a national project that aims to develop new models for industry cluster in Danang, Vietnam, sponsored by the Ministry of Land and Transportation and UN Habitat. He has served as an academic advisor of the Asian City Forum in Shanghai. He was the Conference Chairman of the 8th International Forum of Urbanism (IFoU) on True Smart and Green City in 2015. He has been a visiting professor and research affiliate of the City Design and Development group at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dr. Donyun Kim was awarded a medal from the National Government of Korea for his distinguished academic and professional contribution.

Session 2Jin Seong Kim
Business Director, Nuriflex / Representative of social enterprise ‘Tofather’
Jin Seong Kim first became interested in electricity bills by working as a building manager at an accidental opportunity. Having experienced energy suppliers and consumers as a building manager, he felt why many people were still less satisfied with electricity bills even with low electricity bills. He started in a building office and developed an energy platform with a friend for five years, and moved to Nuriflex, an energy-specialized company, and is in charge of energy service business using smart meter data. Jin Seong Kim majored in electrical engineering and has a history of working at SK Hynix Semiconductor Research Institute. Jin Seong Kim first became interested in electricity bills by working as a building manager at an accidental opportunity. Having experienced energy suppliers and consumers as a building manager, he felt why many people were still less satisfied with electricity bills even with low electricity bills. He started in a building office and developed an energy platform with a friend for five years, and moved to Nuriflex, an energy-specialized company, and is in charge of energy service business using smart meter data. Jin Seong Kim majored in electrical engineering and has a history of working at SK Hynix Semiconductor Research Institute.

Session 22Joo-Young Lee
Director, Seoul Metropolitan Government
Director Joo-young Lee has been working at the Climate and Environment Headquarters of Seoul Metropolitan Government since 2019, serving as the head of the International Cooperation Team, the Head of the Climate Change Response Team, and the Head of the Climate and Environment Policy Team. She mainly performed works related to climate change response, such as reducing greenhouse gases in the building sector, establishing greenhouse gas inventory of Seoul, and operating the greenhouse gas emissions trading system. From 2023 to the present, he has been in charge of building carbon emissions reduction policy of the Seoul Metropolitan Government while serving as the head of the eco-friendly building division at the Climate and Environment Headquarters. She is promoting the management of building greenhouse gas emissions and improvement of building energy efficiency through building energy reporting&rating system and cap system, and building energy efficiency support projects.

Session 22Hong-il Lee
Research Fellow, Construction & Economy Research Institute of Korea
Hong-il Lee, a Research Fellow at Construction & Economy Research Institute of Korea, possesses over two decades of expertise in analyzing the construction market. His recent research endeavors have centered around ESG management and carbon neutrality strategies within the Korean construction industry. Noteworthy is his authored report in 2023, providing a comprehensive forecast of the trajectory of the Korean green building market until the year 2050. Mr. Lee holds distinguished academic credentials, including a Master of Business Administration degree from Yonsei University and a Doctor of Business Administration degree from Hanyang University.

Session 22Seong-Woo Choi
Director General, Korea Energy Agency
Seong-Woo Choi is currently the head of the building energy department at the Korea Energy Agency, working on building energy saving design standards, building efficiency rating certification system, zero energy building certification system, building sector greenhouse gas target management system, building sector emissions trading system external projects, and public building energy use rationalization. Through the operation of the system, we are working to reduce greenhouse gases and improve energy use efficiency to achieve carbon neutrality in the building sector. Meanwhile, the Korea Energy Agency has implemented systems such as the industrialization of new and renewable energy facilities through certification and standardization of new and renewable energy facilities, the efficiency of energy use facilities for industrial facilities and buildings through energy diagnosis of industrial and building facilities, and the solar module carbon verification system. was operated. He serves as a member of the construction technology review committee, construction review, and eco-friendly building evaluation committee. He received a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and a master’s and doctoral degree in renewable energy engineering.